Jeg valgte å lage mug rug:
Denne har jeg laget av restestoffe e fra "Ut på kurs"-veska fra AnnAKa.
Siden jeg har så smått blitt hektet av stitchery også, så måtte jeg jo lage med nålepute.
Her er et bilde av mug rug'n på siden også:
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Greetings from Tasmania, Australia.
SvarSlettI have been browsing your blog, but alas, I cannot find a way to translate it to English! Google translator on you blog does not offer it as an option:(
I would love to read your stories and descriptions, and follow you if you can find a way to add English to Google Translator.
Your Mug Rug is fabulous, and so are many of your other projects.
Hoping to solve the problem soon.
Cheers Kathy
PS: Now I notice that I do not have translator on my own blog - will fix when I return from my quilting group!
Hi Kathy ;) Thanks a lot ;) I saw the translator-problem yesterday.
SvarSlettI tried to change to another language, and then the english came up on top.
I'm working on something else, another translator or write my posts in both norwegian and english ;)
Welcome as s follower ;)
Agnethe ;)
Hi Agnethe, Thankyou for this reply in English:)
SvarSlettI'm having trouble adding translator to my own blog - Despite following the "very easy" instructions.
Will keep trying - come and vist my blog sometime :)
I've been to your blog, I think I added it to my bloglist.
SvarSlettHope the new translator works?
It not very easy, so I understand ;)
I added it in the HTML-gadget.
Good luck Kathy ;)