torsdag 23. juni 2011

Mug rug

Tidligere i år hadde NBQL en utfordring; å lage mug rugs eller kaffeduker til å ha på bordene under møtene.
Jeg valgte å lage mug rug:

Denne har jeg laget av restestoffe e fra "Ut på kurs"-veska fra AnnAKa.
Siden jeg har så smått blitt hektet av stitchery også, så måtte jeg jo lage med nålepute.
Her er et bilde av mug rug'n på siden også:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

4 kommentarer:

  1. Greetings from Tasmania, Australia.

    I have been browsing your blog, but alas, I cannot find a way to translate it to English! Google translator on you blog does not offer it as an option:(

    I would love to read your stories and descriptions, and follow you if you can find a way to add English to Google Translator.

    Your Mug Rug is fabulous, and so are many of your other projects.

    Hoping to solve the problem soon.

    Cheers Kathy

    PS: Now I notice that I do not have translator on my own blog - will fix when I return from my quilting group!

  2. Hi Kathy ;) Thanks a lot ;) I saw the translator-problem yesterday.
    I tried to change to another language, and then the english came up on top.
    I'm working on something else, another translator or write my posts in both norwegian and english ;)
    Welcome as s follower ;)

    Agnethe ;)

  3. Hi Agnethe, Thankyou for this reply in English:)

    I'm having trouble adding translator to my own blog - Despite following the "very easy" instructions.

    Will keep trying - come and vist my blog sometime :)

  4. I've been to your blog, I think I added it to my bloglist.
    Hope the new translator works?
    It not very easy, so I understand ;)
    I added it in the HTML-gadget.
    Good luck Kathy ;)
